When it comes to the issue of security on the internet, many internet users at times to take much time to care about this, they think that it is not that important but forget to realize that without the knowledge internet security measures, they can be a victim of internet fraud sooner or later.
Email phishing is an act of stealing internet user’s contents (valuable data such as band information, website logging details, your email username and password and some other confidential information like that). This act has turned many people into something else, some have lost properties, business assets and many other valuable things to online phishing attack due to ignorance of the system. If you know how to protect yourself online from this type of wicked people, it will be very easy for you to live your life as you supposed to live it than someone else to tell you how to live it.
Look At the Title of the Message Very Carefully
If you are type of person who regularly receive series of autoresponder messages from some services that you have subscribed to online, you will be able to know if a particular email is fraudulent or if it is legitimate to trust.The way the autoresponder email series are programmed works well in helping you to know the type of person that is sending it and thereby also making you to have good relationship with the publisher but, also be careful that some of the phishers out-here are cunning in most of the times, they (hackers) too can craft an email in such a way that it will look just the same way like that of a legitimate company that is sending you regular mail on periodic basis.
Compare It With Other Related Title
Another thing that you can do to identify a phishing attempts from the normal email address from a legitimate group or company is by comparing the title of the message with other message that you have received from the company before, though, this also can look somehow confusing because they (phishers)can also make the headline look just the same way that the trusted company or individual usually sent to you. But, one thing that is very certain here is that there will be a difference between the two because the phishers doesn’t know that you are receiving mail from the person and another point is that he’s just trying to have access to your email in order to get more details about you.So, with this it is very easy to identify them because there type of email will not go straight to the point as the person used to send you message but there’s will be a request, telling you to do this and that and from this you can be able to know if they are truly a genuine company or not.
Email Address Filtering –Identify Real Email Address of the sender
By scanning through the header of the email that this type of people sent to you will help you in knowing fully if the email is a fake or a genuine one. Getting the real address of the person who is sending you an email is another method you can use in knowing either if the person is a legit or not. Check the header of the email if the mail is in HTML format and you will be able to see the true identity of the sender whom sent you the message.Check The Link Claimed That It Points To The Main Domain Name
You must take this precaution in order to stay save online, before you make any click on emails that you are not quite sure about, you have to hover your mouse on the link for about a second so that you ca be able to see the real link of the website.The real identity of the website that was embedded in the email will be showed in your web browser status bar immediately you put the mouse on the link, not to click but to hover and look at the status bar. If you notice that the domain name in the link is mis-match, you must know that someone is trying to force you to submit your data in order to hack you thereafter and this can make you loose more information than you can ever think of.
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